Claflin University will host its 17th Annual First Lady's Hats
and Gloves Scholarship Tea at 12:00 noon on Saturday,
March 15, 2025, in the Student Center Ballroom.
This auspicious occasion is held annually in conjunction with
Women's History Month. This year's national theme is
"Moving Forward Together! Women Educating and
Inspiring Generations." The theme recognizes the influence
of women who have dedicated their lives to education,
mentorship, and leadership. All proceeds from this event
will benefit The First Lady's Hats and Gloves Tea Endowed
Scholarship Fund. The sholarship fund is designated for
academically gifted, talented, and deserving young women
matriculating at Claflin University.
2025 Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Commitment should be made
by March 9, 2025
First Lady's Circle Sponsor - $10,000
Special recognition (check presentation & photo-op with
First Lady Warmack) during the event
Premium recognition on all Tea promotional materials
Company name listed in the program
Listed as a partner on the University's website
20 Tickets to the First Lady's Hats & Gloves Scholarship Tea
5 VIP tickets to the VIP Reception
Listing in the annual Honor Roll of Donors
Platinum Sponsor - $7,500
Special recognition during the event
Company name listed in the program
Listed as a partner on the University's website
10 Tickets to the First Lady's Hats & Gloves Scholarship Tea
5 VIP tickets to the VIP Reception
Listing in the annual Honor Roll of Donors
Diamond Sponsor - $5,000
Special recognition during the event
Company name listed in the program
10 Tickets to the First Lady's Hats & Gloves Scholarship Tea
2 VIP tickets to the VIP Reception
Listing in the annual Honor Roll of Donors
Gold Sponsor - $2,500
Name listed in the program
Company name listed in the program
10 Tickets to the First Lady's Hats & Gloves Scholarship Tea
Listing in the annual Honor Roll of Donors
Table of 10- $1,250
Individual Tickets - $125
Thank you for supporting the
17th Annual First Lady's Hats and Gloves Scholarship Tea.
See you on Saturday, March 15, 2024, at 12 Noon!
PLEASE NOTE: For Table & Sponsorship Purchases Only -
Please email the names of your table attendees to
Mrs. Sabrina Green sagreen@claflin.edu
Thank you kindly!
PLEASE NOTE: For Vendor Inquiries -
Please email Mrs. Zelda M. Lee at zelee@claflin.edu
Thank you kindly!
Additional Ways to Give
Make Checks Payable to:
Claflin University
Memo Line: Hats/Gloves (Ticket or Sponsorship Choice)
Office of Institutional Advancement
400 Magnolia Street
Orangeburg, SC 29115